Moises Salinas Fleitman
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Moises Salinas' research interests in general are focused on the effects of stereotypes on stigmatized minorities and the processes leading to stereotypical thinking, a process called "Stereotype Threat," developed by Steele and Aronson (1995). The empirical data generated by this model suggest that members of stigmatized minorities can be vulnerable to a sense of risk when they are in situations where the stereotype is relevant to their behavior. For example, one study showed how a subtle reminder of the well-known stereotype regarding African American intellectual inferiority aroused enough anxiety to spoil the performance of highly motivated and prepared black college students taking a standardized test. Not only does this reveal an important psychological consequence of stereotypes, but it also helps explain a contributing factor in the low academic performance of minorities.
In the classroom, Moises is an award-winning teacher who has had ample opportunity to teach and be involved in the classroom. He has had a great deal of experience with a wide range of courses, including courses focused on Social, Developmental and Educational Psychology. Currently at CCSUhe teaches courses in General Psychology, Educational Psychology and Psychology of Learning. He has had the honor of receiving a number of teaching awards, including the award for Outstanding Contributions to the International Teaching Assistant Program granted by the Center for Teaching Effectiveness at the University of Texas, and the Teaching Leadership Award granted by the National Conference on the Education and Employment of Graduate Teaching Assistants and the Pew Charitable Trusts. He is committed to working with his students in an interactive classroom that encourages critical thinking and teamwork. He is also very active in the development of educational technology applications, and has presented on several occasions, including at the Syllabus national instructional technology conference, on issues related to the use of pedagogical principles in instructional technology.
Primary Interests:
- Applied Social Psychology
- Attitudes and Beliefs
- Culture and Ethnicity
- Intergroup Relations
- Motivation, Goal Setting
- Person Perception
- Prejudice and Stereotyping
- Social Cognition
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- Salinas, M. F. (2007). Planting hatred, sowing pain: The psychology of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Westport, CT: Greenwood/Praeger
- Salinas, M. F. (2003). The politics of stereotype: Psychology and affirmative action. Westport, CT: Greenwood/Praeger.
- Salinas, M. F., & Abu Rabi, H. (Eds.). (2010). Pathways to peace: Academic contributions to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press.
Journal Articles:
- Davis, C., Aronson, J., & Salinas, M. F. (2006). Black racial identity as a moderator of stereotype threat: Identity in context. Journal of Black Psychology, 32(4), 399-418.
- Salinas, M. (2008). Chinuch eineno milui dli, ela hatzatat esh [Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire]. Hed HaChinuch, 11, 56-59.
- Salinas, M. F. (2009). Objectivism and Bias on the study of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 9(1), 341-343.
- Salinas, M. F. (2008). From Dewey to Gates: A model to integrate pedagogical principles in the selection and use of instructional technology. Computers and Education, 50, 652-660.
- Salinas, M. F., & Garr, J. (2009). Effects of learner centered education on the academic outcomes of minority groups. Journal of instructional Psychology, 39(3), 226-237.
- Salinas, M. F., Kane, S. E., & Vasil, M. A. (2009). Learner centered instruction, achievement tests and the permanence of learning. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 8(3), 20-28.
- Salinas, M. F., Kozuh, G., & Seraphine, A. E. (1999). I think I can: Improving teaching self-confidence of international teaching assistants. Journal of Graduate Teaching Assistant Development, 6(3), 149-156.
Other Publications:
- Aronson, J., Steele, C. M., Salinas, M. F., & Lustina, M. J. (1999). The effect of stereotype threat on the standardized test performance of college students. In E. Aronson (Ed.), Readings About the Social Animal. (8th ed., pp. 415-430). New York: Worth Publishers.
- Salinas, M. F. (1998). Stereotype threat: The role of effort withdrawal and apprehension on the intellectual underperformance of Mexican-Americans. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59(06), 1908A. (University Microfilms No. AAT98-38106)
- Salinas, M. F., & Aronson, J. (1998). Why do Latinos underperform? Motivation, anxiety and stereotype threat. Manuscript submitted for publication.
- Valencia, R. R., & Salinas, M. F. (2000). Test Bias. In R. R. Valencia and L. Suzuki, (Eds.), Intelligence Testing and Minority Students (pp. 111-150). New York: Sage Publications.
- Valencia, R. R., Villarreal, B. J., & Salinas, M. F. (2002). Educational testing and Chicano students: issues, consequences, and prospects of reform. In R. R. Valencia (Ed.), Chicano school failure and success: past, present, and future (pp. 254-309). New York: Routledge Falmer.
Courses Taught:
- Cross Cultural Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- General Psychology
- Psychology of Learning
- Psychology of the Exceptional Child
- Social Psychology
- Stereotypes and Learning
Moises Salinas Fleitman
Universidad Hebraica
Fuente de Pegaso
Lomas del Chamizal, Cuajimalpa de Morelos
05129 Mexico City